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Video gallery
Interference by Thom Yorke, video by Tom Beal
Access by Michel Mastriani
Starshine by Tatyana Zabanova, soundtrack by Sean Ricker
Colour Dream by Tatyana Zabanova, soundtrack by Sean Ricker
Dewberries by Chiara Biancheri and Tatyana Zabanova
Bioshpere by Tatyana Zabanova
Live recording of realtime animation playback and editing, fractal animation by Tatyana Zabanova
Final render of demo animation presented at the first Fractal Art Symposium, with elements controlled via Leap Motion
Fractal design by Jessica Darling, soundtrack by Sean Ricker
Live recording of Leap Motion integration development and testing
Coronal Flare by Tatyana Zabanova, soundtrack by Barto
Paper Monster by Tatyana Zabanova, soundtrack by Sean Ricker