Chaotica Fractals Forum

Where can I post/write?
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Author:  EVF [ Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Where can I post/write?

Hi, I am new and I am introducing myself. In this forum there is not the topic I am looking for. I would like to buy a licence but Chaotica seems to be a stopped project. Nobody are working on, isn't it? Now I am testing the free version in Linux and I would like to render the fractals with my NVIDIA mining rig! I have a lot of power! But it seems that I am using the CPU instead! Please could you send me a sign that this project is still alive? Thanks.

Author:  JastrebJ21 [ Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I post/write?

I don't know, on one hand, there are no news, but on the other hand, moderators are still monitoring the forum and confirming messages, so everything we write is seen... so it's worth it to post in here if you have questions.

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